@article{UBHD-68239861, author={Hoffelder, Thomas and Wellek, Stefan}, title={Equivalence testing with particle size distribution data}, subtitle={methods and applications in the development of inhalative drugs}, year={2017}, pages={12-24}, language={eng}, issn={1946-6315}, volume={9}, number={1}, note={Gesehen am 05.04.2018}, journal={Statistics in biopharmaceutical research}, doi={10.1080/19466315.2016.1173581}, } @article{UBHD-69099022, author={Janssen, Arnold and Wellek, Stefan}, title={Exact linear rank tests for two-sample equivalence problems with continuous data}, year={2010}, pages={482-504}, language={eng}, issn={1467-9574}, volume={64}, number={4}, note={First published: 23 June 2010 ; Gesehen am 18.07.2023}, journal={Statistica Neerlandica}, doi={10.1111/j.1467-9574.2010.00466.x}, } @article{UBHD-67680900, author={Kristiansen, Glen and Wellek, Stefan}, title={The importance of pathology in the German prostate cancer study PREFERE}, year={2013}, pages={449-460}, language={ger}, issn={1432-1963}, volume={34}, number={5}, note={Gesehen am: 01.10.2014}, journal={Der Pathologe}, doi={10.1007/s00292-013-1788-8}, } @article{UBHD-67590269, author={Mann, Karl and Leménager, Tagrid and Hoffmann, Sabine and Reinhard, Iris and Hermann, Derik and Wellek, Stefan and Kiefer, Falk}, title={Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled pharmacotherapy trial in alcoholism conducted in Germany and comparison with the US COMBINE study}, year={2013}, pages={937-946}, language={eng}, issn={1369-1600}, volume={18}, number={6}, note={First published 12 December 2012 ; Gesehen am: 28.05.2014}, journal={Addiction biology}, doi={10.1111/adb.12012}, } @article{UBHD-69193312, author={Merz, Eberhard and Thode, Ch and Hackel{\"o}er, B. 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ISSN 0001-5652.}, url={http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/17842}, library={UB}, } @article{UBHD-68315308, author={Wellek, Stefan}, title={A critical evaluation of the current “p-value controversy”}, year={2017}, pages={854-872}, language={eng}, issn={1521-4036}, volume={59}, number={5}, note={Gesehen am 15.10.2018}, journal={Biometrical journal}, doi={10.1002/bimj.201700001}, } @article{UBHD-67808218, author={Wellek, Stefan}, title={Determination of reference limits}, subtitle={statistical concepts and tools for sample size calculation}, year={2014}, pages={1685-1694}, language={eng}, issn={1437-4331}, volume={52}, number={12}, note={Gesehen am: 23.04.2015}, journal={Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine}, doi={10.1515/cclm-2014-0226}, } @article{UBHD-68662122, author={Wellek, Stefan and Hampel, Barbara}, title={A distribution-free two-sample equivalence test allowing for tied observations}, year={1999}, pages={171-186}, language={eng}, issn={1521-4036}, volume={41}, number={2}, note={Gesehen am 18.11.2020}, journal={Biometrical journal}, doi={10.1002/(SICI)1521-4036(199905)41:2<171::AID-BIMJ171>3.0.CO;2-Y}, } @article{UBHD-68208224, author={Wellek, Stefan}, title={Nearly exact sample size calculation for powerful non-randomized tests for differences between binomial proportions}, year={2015}, pages={358-373}, language={eng}, issn={1467-9574}, volume={69}, number={4}, note={Gesehen am 10.01.2018}, journal={Statistica Neerlandica}, doi={10.1111/stan.12063}, } @article{UBHD-68549104, author={Wellek, Stefan and Donner-Banzhoff, Norbert and K{\"o}nig, Jochem and Mildenberger, Philipp and Blettner, Maria}, title={Planning and analysis of trials using a stepped wedge design}, year={2019}, pages={453-458}, language={eng}, issn={1866-0452}, volume={116}, number={26}, note={Gesehen am 20.03.2020}, journal={Deutsches {\"A}rzteblatt international}, doi={10.3238/arztebl.2019.0453}, } @article{UBHD-69102642, author={Wellek, Stefan and Jennen-Steinmetz, Christine}, title={Reference ranges}, subtitle={why tolerance intervals should not be used}, year={2022}, pages={2255-2256}, language={eng}, issn={1477-0334}, volume={31}, number={11 vom: Nov.}, note={Gesehen am 31.07.2023}, journal={Statistical methods in medical research}, doi={10.1177/09622802221114538}, } @article{UBHD-68315305, author={Wellek, Stefan}, title={Sample size planning of two-arm superiority and noninferiority survival studies with discrete follow-up}, year={2017}, pages={3123-3136}, language={eng}, issn={1097-0258}, volume={36}, number={20}, note={Gesehen am 15.10.2018}, journal={Statistics in medicine}, doi={10.1002/sim.7360}, } @article{UBHD-68403037, author={Wellek, Stefan}, title={Testing for noninferiority of binomial distributions referring to a modified equivalence region with piecewise linear boundary}, year={2016}, pages={1736-1753}, language={eng}, issn={1563-5163}, volume={86}, number={9}, note={Gesehen am 01.07.2019 ; Published online: 10 Sep 2015}, journal={The journal of statistical computation and simulation}, doi={10.1080/00949655.2015.1081906}, } @article{UBHD-68332259, author={Wellek, Stefan}, title={A U-statistics based approach to sample size planning of two-arm trials with discrete outcome criterion aiming to establish either superiority or noninferiority}, year={2017}, pages={799-812}, language={eng}, issn={1097-0258}, volume={36}, number={5}, note={First published: 22 November 2016 ; Gesehen am 26.11.2018}, journal={Statistics in medicine}, doi={10.1002/sim.7183}, } @article{UBHD-67404490, author={Wiegel, Thomas and Kieser, Meinhard and Wellek, Stefan}, title={PREFERE}, subtitle={the German prostatic cancer study; questions and claims surrounding study initiation in January 2013}, year={2013}, pages={576-579}, language={ger}, issn={0375-4685 and 2976-1603}, volume={52}, number={4}, journal={Der Urologe}, } @article{UBHD-68797661, author={Wiegel, Thomas and Albers, P. and Bussar-Maatz, R. and Gottberg, A. and H{\"a}rter, M. and Kieser, Meinhard and Kristiansen, G. and Nettekoven, G. and Martus, P. and Schmidberger, H. and Wellek, Stefan and St{\"o}ckle, M.}, title={PREFERE - die deutsche Prostatakrebsstudie}, subtitle={Fragen und Behauptungen rund um den Studienbeginn im Januar 2013}, year={2013}, pages={576-579}, language={ger}, issn={1433-0563}, volume={52}, number={4}, note={Gesehen am 08.11.2021}, journal={Der Urologe}, doi={10.1007/s00120-013-3186-5}, }