@article{UBHD-68704836, author={Bartel, Marc and Skopp, Gisela and Landmann, Aysche and Schmitt, Georg}, title={Clotiazepam - Ausl{\"o}ser f{\"u}r zwei Verkehrsunf{\"a}lle in Folge?}, year={2018}, pages={273-279}, language={ger}, issn={0006-5250}, volume={55}, number={4}, journal={Blutalkohol}, } @article{UBHD-68704837, author={Bartel, Marc and Krauskopf, Astrid and Landmann, Aysche and Zimmer, Holger and Schmitt, Georg and Yen, Kathrin}, title={Erh{\"o}hte Co2-Konzentrationen im Blut als Anzeichen f{\"u}r eine Kohlenstoffdioxidvergiftung?}, year={2018}, pages={193-200}, language={ger}, issn={0003-9225}, volume={242}, number={5/6}, journal={Archiv f{\"u}r Kriminologie}, } @article{UBHD-69111964, author={Hofmann, Vanessa and Sundermann, Tom Richard and Schmitt, Georg and Bartel, Marc}, title={Development and validation of an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of the alcohol biomarkers ethyl glucuronide, ethyl sulfate, N-acetyltaurine, and 16:0/18:1-phosphatidylethanol in human blood}, year={2022}, pages={92-100}, language={eng}, issn={1942-7611}, volume={14}, number={1}, note={First published: 16 August 2021 ; Gesehen am 11.08.2023}, journal={Drug testing and analysis}, doi={10.1002/dta.3147}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/dta.3147}, library={UB}, } @article{UBHD-68778471, author={Hofmann, Vanessa and Landmann, Aysche and Schmitt, Georg and Krauskopf, Astrid and Bartel, Marc}, title={A fatal case of aconite poisoning}, subtitle={accidental intake of a monkshood extract}, year={2020}, pages={511-516}, language={eng}, issn={1860-8973}, volume={38}, number={2}, note={Gesehen am 09.09.2021}, journal={Forensic toxicology}, doi={10.1007/s11419-020-00526-x}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s11419-020-00526-x}, library={UB}, } @article{UBHD-68704847, author={Landmann, Aysche and Strohbeck-K{\"u}hner, Peter and Stein, Kirsten Marion and Yen, Kathrin and Bartel, Marc}, title={Cannabis als Medikament im Straßenverkehr}, subtitle={Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenstudie}, year={2019}, pages={283-294}, language={ger}, issn={0006-5250}, volume={56}, number={5}, journal={Blutalkohol}, keywords={Haschisch / Pharmakotherapie / Fahreignung / Fahrt{\"u}chtigkeit}, } @article{UBHD-69027679, author={Pausch, Thomas and Holze, Magdalena and Gesslein, Bodil and Rossion, Inga and Eisenhart Rothe, Franziska von and Wagner, Martin and Sander, Anja and Tenckhoff, Solveig and Bartel, Marc and Larmann, Jan and Probst, Pascal and Pianka, Frank and Hackert, Thilo and Klotz, Rosa}, title={Intraoperative visualisation of pancreatic leakage (ViP)}, subtitle={study protocol for an IDEAL stage I post market clinical study}, year={2022}, pages={1-10}, language={eng}, issn={2044-6055}, volume={12}, note={Gesehen am 30.01.2023}, journal={BMJ open}, doi={10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065157}, url={https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065157}, library={UB}, } @article{UBHD-68809011, author={Sundermann, Tom Richard and Schmitt, Georg and Bartel, Marc}, title={Modified congener analysis}, subtitle={quantification of cyanide in whole blood, other body fluids, and diverse beverages}, year={2021}, pages={412-418}, language={eng}, issn={1942-7611}, volume={13}, number={2}, note={First published: 16 September 2020 ; Gesehen am 06.12.2021}, journal={Drug testing and analysis}, doi={10.1002/dta.2927}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/dta.2927}, library={UB}, } @article{UBHD-69053845, author={Triller, Gianna and Vlachou, Evi P. and Hashemi, Hamidreza and van Straaten, Monique and Zeelen, Johan P. and Kelemen, Yosip and Baehr, Carly and Marker, Cheryl L. and Ruf, Sandra and Svirina, Anna and Chandra, Monica and Urban, Katharina and Gkeka, Anastasia and Kruse, Sebastian and Baumann, Andreas and Miller, Aubry K. and Bartel, Marc and Pravetoni, Marco and Stebbins, Erec and Papavasiliou, Nina and Verdi, Joseph P.}, title={A trypanosome-derived immunotherapeutics platform elicits potent high-affinity antibodies, negating the effects of the synthetic opioid fentanyl}, year={2023}, pages={1-28}, language={eng}, issn={2211-1247}, volume={42}, note={Gesehen am 21.03.2023}, journal={Cell reports}, doi={10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112049}, }