@article{UBHD-68586711, author={Leclère, Franck Marie Patrick and Casoli, Vincent and Pelissier, Philippe and Vogt, Peter M. and Desnouveaux, Emilie and Spies, Christian and Weigert, Romain and Choughri, Hussein}, title={Suspected adipose tumours of the hand and the potential risk for malignant transformation to sarcoma}, subtitle={a series of 14 patients}, year={2015}, pages={731-736}, language={eng}, issn={1434-3916}, volume={135}, number={5}, note={Gesehen am 15.06.2020}, journal={Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery}, doi={10.1007/s00402-015-2170-5}, } @article{UBHD-68560527, author={Spies, Christian and Langer, Martin Franz and M{\"u}ller, Lars Peter and Oppermann, J. and L{\"o}w, Steffen and Unglaub, Frank}, title={Anatomie und Biomechanik des distalen Radioulnargelenks}, year={2018}, pages={621-627}, language={ger}, issn={1433-0431}, volume={47}, number={8}, note={Gesehen am 02.04.2020}, journal={Der Orthop{\"a}de}, doi={10.1007/s00132-018-3589-5}, } @article{UBHD-68560553, author={Spies, Christian and Sch{\"a}fer, Melanie and Langer, Martin Franz and Bruckner, Thomas and M{\"u}ller, Lars Peter and Unglaub, Frank}, title={Functional outcome after endoscopic assisted release of the ulnar nerve for cubital tunnel syndrome}, subtitle={mid-to-long term results}, year={2018}, pages={1331-1337}, language={eng}, issn={1432-5195}, volume={42}, number={6}, note={Gesehen am 02.04.2020}, journal={International orthopaedics}, doi={10.1007/s00264-018-3760-y}, } @article{UBHD-68560550, author={Spies, Christian and Langer, Martin Franz and M{\"u}ller, Lars Peter and Oppermann, J. and L{\"o}w, Steffen and Unglaub, Frank}, title={Ligament{\"a}re Verletzungen und Bandinstabilit{\"a}ten der Fingergelenke}, year={2018}, pages={175-188}, language={ger}, issn={1433-0431}, volume={47}, number={2}, note={Published online: 20 December 2017 ; Gesehen am 02.04.2020}, journal={Der Orthop{\"a}de}, doi={10.1007/s00132-017-3510-7}, } @book{UBHD-66453386, author={Spies, Christian}, title={Tierexperimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit zweier Kalziumphosphat-Knochenersatzstoffe im kn{\"o}chernen Lager}, year={2007}, pages={III, 275 S.}, language={ger}, school={Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 2007}, library={UB [Signatur: 2008 U 11]}, } @article{UBHD-68560568, author={Spies, Christian and Langer, Martin Franz and Hahn, Peter and M{\"u}ller, Lars Peter and Unglaub, Frank}, title={The treatment of primary arthritis of the finger and thumb joint}, year={2018}, pages={13 S.}, language={eng}, issn={1866-0452}, volume={115}, note={Gesehen am 02.04.2020}, journal={Deutsches {\"A}rzteblatt international}, doi={10.3238/arztebl.2018.0269}, }