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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Disk Speichern
  author={Vida, Marco Girolamo},
  editor={Di Cesare, Mario A.},
  title={The game of chess},
  subtitle={Marco Girolamo Vida's "Scacchia ludus" : with English verse translation and the texts of the three earlier versions},
  publisher={B. de Graaf},
  pages={111 Seiten},
  language={eng and lat},
  isbn={90-6004-335-9 and 978-90-6004-335-6},
  series={Bibliotheca humanistica & reformatorica},
  note={Text lateinisch und englisch},
  keywords={Schach <Motiv> / Neulatein / Lyrik / Literatur},
  library={UB [Signatur: 76 B 1394]},

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