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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Disk Speichern
  organization={Frits Lugt Collection and Institut Néerlandais and Victoria and Albert Museum},
  title={Flemish drawings of the seventeenth century from the Collection of Frits Lugt, Institut Néerlandais Paris},
  subtitle={exhibitions: London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 9th Febr. - 26 th March, 1972; Paris, Institut Néerlandais, 14th April - 28th May, 1972; Bern Kunstmuseum, 8th June - 23rd July 1972; Brussels, Royal Library Belgium 30th Sept. - 8th Nov. 1972},
  publisher={Erasmus Ltd.},
  pages={XLVII, 185, 128 S.},
  library={UB [Signatur: 72 B 2804]},

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