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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Bibliographieeintrag

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Verfasst von:Jonas, Jost B. [VerfasserIn]   i
 Neumaier, Michael [VerfasserIn]   i
 Findeisen, Peter [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Cytokine concentration in aqueous humor of eyes with diabetic macular edema
Verf.angabe:Jost B. Jonas, Rahul A. Jonas, Michael Neumaier, Peter Findeisen
Umfang:8 S.
Fussnoten:Gesehen am 28.08.2018
Titel Quelle:Enthalten in: Retina
Ort Quelle:Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1981
Jahr Quelle:2012
Band/Heft Quelle:32(2012), 10, Seite 2150-2157
ISSN Quelle:1539-2864
Abstract:Purpose: To measure cytokine concentrations in aqueous humor of eyes with diffuse diabetic macular edema. Methods: The interventional clinical comparative study included a study group of 23 patients with diffuse diabetic macular edema and a control group of 22 patients undergoing cataract surgery. Cytokine concentrations were measured in aqueous humor samples using a Luminex xMAP suspension array technology. Results: In the study group as compared with the control group, significantly higher concentrations were measured for epidermal growth factor (P < 0.001), human growth factor (P < 0.001), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1; P < 0.001), interleukin (IL)-1a2 (P = 0.04), IL-6 (P = 0.001), IL-8 (P < 0.001), interferon gamma-induced protein (P = 0.004), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (P < 0.001), monokine induced by interferon gamma (P < 0.001), matrix metalloproteinase 1 (P = 0.02), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (P < 0.001), plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (P < 0.001), placenta growth factor (P < 0.001), tissue growth factor beta (P = 0.003), vascular cell adhesion molecule (P < 0.001), and vascular endothelial growth factor (P < 0.001). Retinal macula thickness was significantly associated with the concentrations of the epidermal growth factor (P = 0.005; ρ = 0.45), ICAM-1 (P < 0.001; ρ = 0.65), IL-3 (P = 0.002; ρ = 0.48), IL-6 (P = 0.003; ρ = 0.47), IL-8 (P < 0.001; ρ = 0.71), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (P = 0.001; ρ = 0.53), monokine induced by interferon gamma (P < 0.001; ρ = 0.57), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (P < 0.001; ρ = 0.61), tissue growth factor beta (P = 0.01; ρ = 0.42), placenta growth factor (P = 0.004; ρ = 0.46), vascular cell adhesion molecule (P = 0.006; ρ = 0.44), and vascular endothelial growth factor (P = 0.01; ρ = 0.42). In multivariate analysis, macular thickness remained to be significantly associated with the concentration of ICAM-1 (P = 0.03; r = 0.30). Vascular endothelial growth factor concentrations were correlated with concentration of placenta growth factor (P < 0.001; ρ = 0.78), plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (P = 0.001; ρ = 0.54), ICAM-1 (P < 0.001; ρ = 0.47), monokine induced by interferon gamma (P = 0.004; ρ = 0.44), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (P = 0.003; ρ = 0.43), vascular cell adhesion molecule (P = 0.01; ρ = 0.38), IL-6 (P = 0.02; ρ = 0.35), IL-8 (P = 0.02; ρ = 0.37), epidermal growth factor (P = 0.01; ρ = 0.39), and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (P = 0.01; ρ = 0.37). Conclusion: Numerous cytokines are associated with the presence and the amount of diabetic macular edema. Among these cytokines, ICAM-1 was the most significantly associated with the disease parameters.
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