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Standort: CATS / Abt. Südasien: Freihandb
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Verfasst von:Sheth, Sudev [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Bankrolling empire
Titelzusatz:family fortunes and political transformation in Mughal India
Verf.angabe:Sudev Sheth, University of Pennsylvania
Verlagsort:Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore
Verlag:Cambridge University Press
Umfang:xix, 353 Seiten
Illustrationen:Illustrationen, Karten genealogische Tafeln
Fussnoten:Includes bibliographical references and index
Abstract:By the 1660s, the mighty Mughal Empire controlled the Indian subcontinent and impressed the world with its strength and opulence. Yet hardly two decades would pass before fortunes would turn, Mughal kings and governors losing influence to rival warlords and foreign powers. How could leaders of one of the most dominant early modern polities lose their grip over empire? Sudev Sheth proposes a new point of departure, focusing on diverse local and hitherto unexplored evidence about a prominent financier family entrenched in bankrolling Mughal elites and their successors. Analyzing how four generations of the Jhaveri family of Gujarat financed politics, he offers a fresh take on the dissolution of the Mughal empire, the birth of princely successor states, and the nature of economic life in the days leading up to the colonial domination of India
 "Sudev Sheth presents the downfall of the Mughal Empire and the rise of its successor states as experienced directly by family entrepreneurs. Using hitherto untapped sources in multiple languages, he reveals how local persons and elites participated in the financial crisis that shook Indian society to its very foundations"--
Schlagwörter:(p)Jhaveri <Familie : 17. Jh.>   i
 (g)Mogulreich   i / (s)Finanzwirtschaft   i
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: Sheth, Sudev, 1986-: Bankrolling empire. - Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024
Sach-SW:Asian history
 Asiatische Geschichte
 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economic History
 Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700
 Economic history
 Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900
Geograph. SW:Empires & historical states
Zeit-SW:16. Jahrhundert (1500 bis 1599 n. Chr.)
 17. Jahrhundert (1600 bis 1699 n. Chr.)
 18. Jahrhundert (1700 bis 1799 n. Chr.)
 19. Jahrhundert (1800 bis 1899 n. Chr.)
 c 1500 to c 1600
 c 1600 to c 1700
 c 1700 to c 1800
 c 1800 to c 1900

211 wiw 2024/64QR-CodeCATS / Abt. Südasien: Freihandbereichbestellbar
Mediennummer: 45320372

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