| Online-Ressource |
Verfasst von: | Schick, Anita [VerfasserIn]  |
| Winkel, Ruud van [VerfasserIn]  |
| Lin, Bochao D. [VerfasserIn]  |
| Luykx, Jurjen J. [VerfasserIn]  |
| Zwarte, Sonja M. C. de [VerfasserIn]  |
| Eijk, Kristel R. van [VerfasserIn]  |
| Myin-Germeys, Inez [VerfasserIn]  |
| Reininghaus, Ulrich [VerfasserIn]  |
Titel: | Polygenic risk, familial liability and stress reactivity in psychosis |
Titelzusatz: | an experience sampling study |
Verf.angabe: | Anita Schick, Ruud van Winkel, Bochao D. Lin, Jurjen J. Luykx, Sonja M.C. de Zwarte, Kristel R. van Eijk, Group Investigators, Inez Myin-Germeys and Ulrich Reininghaus |
E-Jahr: | 2023 |
Jahr: | May 2023 |
Umfang: | 10 S. |
Illustrationen: | Illustrationen |
Fussnoten: | "First online published online: 7 January 2022". - 1. Seite des Artikels ; Gesehen am 24.06.2024 |
Titel Quelle: | Enthalten in: Psychological medicine |
Ort Quelle: | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1970 |
Jahr Quelle: | 2023 |
Band/Heft Quelle: | 53(2023), 7 vom: Mai, Seite 2798-2807 |
ISSN Quelle: | 1469-8978 |
Abstract: | BackgroundThere is evidence for a polygenic contribution to psychosis. One targetable mechanism through which polygenic variation may impact on individuals and interact with the social environment is stress sensitization, characterized by elevated reactivity to minor stressors in daily life. The current study aimed to investigate whether stress reactivity is modified by polygenic risk score for schizophrenia (PRS) in cases with enduring non-affective psychotic disorder, first-degree relatives of cases, and controls.MethodsWe used the experience sampling method to assess minor stressors, negative affect, positive affect and psychotic experiences in 96 cases, 79 first-degree relatives, i.e. siblings, and 73 controls at wave 3 of the Dutch Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) study. Genome-wide data were collected at baseline to calculate PRS.ResultsWe found that associations of momentary stress with psychotic experiences, but not with negative and positive affect, were modified by PRS and group (all pFWE<0.001). In contrast to our hypotheses, siblings with high PRS reported less intense psychotic experiences in response to momentary stress compared to siblings with low PRS. No differences in magnitude of these associations were observed in cases with high v. low level of PRS. By contrast, controls with high PRS showed more intense psychotic experiences in response to stress compared to those with low PRS.ConclusionsThis tentatively suggests that polygenic risk may operate in different ways than previously assumed and amplify reactivity to stress in unaffected individuals but operate as a resilience factor in relatives by attenuating their stress reactivity. |
DOI: | doi:10.1017/S0033291721004761 |
URL: | kostenfrei: Volltext: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291721004761 |
| kostenfrei: Volltext: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/polygenic-risk-familial-liability-and-stress-reac ... |
| DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291721004761 |
Datenträger: | Online-Ressource |
Sprache: | eng |
Sach-SW: | Digital phenotyping |
| ecological momentary assessment |
| gene-environment interaction |
| polygenic risk |
| stress sensitivity |
K10plus-PPN: | 1892104423 |
Verknüpfungen: | → Zeitschrift |
| |
Lokale URL UB: | Zum Volltext |
Polygenic risk, familial liability and stress reactivity in psychosis / Schick, Anita [VerfasserIn]; May 2023 (Online-Ressource)