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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Bozorgmehr, Kayvan [VerfasserIn]   i
 Schneider, Christine [VerfasserIn]   i
 Joos, Stefanie [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Equity in access to health care among asylum seekers in Germany
Titelzusatz:evidence from an exploratory population-based cross-sectional study
Verf.angabe:Kayvan Bozorgmehr, Christine Schneider and Stefanie Joos
Jahr:9 November 2015
Fussnoten:Gesehen am 27.05.2020
Titel Quelle:Enthalten in: BMC health services research
Ort Quelle:London : BioMed Central, 2001
Jahr Quelle:2015
Band/Heft Quelle:15(2015) Artikel-Nummer 502, 12 Seiten
ISSN Quelle:1472-6963
Abstract:Research on inequities in access to health care among asylum-seekers has focused on disparities between asylum-seekers and resident populations, but little attention has been paid to potential inequities in access to care within the group of asylum-seekers. We aimed to analyse the principles of horizontal equity (i.e., equal access for equal need irrespective of socioeconomic status, SES) and vertical equity (higher allocation of resources to those with higher need) among asylum-seekers in Germany.
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