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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Naidu, Maheshvari [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Marriage as reaffirming sacred space
Titel Quelle:Enthalten in: Nidān
Ort Quelle:Durban : Univ., 1989
Jahr Quelle:1999
Band/Heft Quelle:(1999), 11, Seite 52-76
ISSN Quelle:2414-8636
Abstract:This article seeks to examine the Madurai marriage myth in temlS of what marriage does to the goddess Meenakshi. I do not offer a descriptionption of the annual ritual marriage as such and the reader is directed to the studies of Dennis Hudson and William Harman for excellent ethnographic accounts of the Divine marriage. I will instead attempt to show that in the context of Madurai, Siva's marriage alliance with Meenakshi serves to bring the god to Madurai, and more importantly, keep the god there. The tala puranic text constructs Siva's marriage to a local bride, and into the local community thereby forging an alliance between Siva and the Pandyan kingdom, who come to be represented by the local devotees.
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Sach-SW:Divine marriage
 Madurai marriage myth
Verknüpfungen:→ Zeitschrift
 CATS / Abt. Südasien
Bibliothek/Idn:SA / m4344893298
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