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Signatur: 88 A 7978   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
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Verfasst von:McHale, Brian   i
Titel:Postmodernist fiction
Verf.angabe:Brian McHale
Verlagsort:New York, NY [u.a.]
Umfang:XIII, 264 S.
Gesamttitel/Reihe:University paperbacks ; 949
Abstract:Verlagsinfo: In this trenchant and lively study Brian McHale undertakes to construct a version of postmodernist fiction which encompasses forms as wide-ranging as North American metafiction, Latin American magic realism, the French New New Novel, concrete prose and science fiction. Considering a variety of theoretical approaches including those of Ingarden, Eco, Dolezel, Pavel, and Hrushovski, McHale shows that the common denominator is postmodernist fiction's ability to thrust its own ontological status into the foreground and to raise questions about the world (or worlds) in which we live. Exploiting various theoretical approaches to literary ontology - those of Ingarden, Eco, Dolezel, Pavel, Hrushovski and others - and ranging widely over contemporary world literature, McHale assembles a comprehensive repertoire of postmodernist fiction's strategies of world-making and -unmaking.
Schlagwörter:(s)Postmoderne   i / (s)Literatur   i
 (s)Postmoderne   i / (s)Literatur   i / (z)Geschichte 1950-1986   i
 (s)Postmoderne   i / (s)Roman   i / (g)USA   i
 (g)USA   i / (s)Roman   i / (z)Geschichte 1900-1985   i
 (s)Prosa   i / (z)Geschichte 1950-1987   i
 (s)Postmoderne   i / (s)Prosa   i
Altbestandsnotation:SysK: Angl G 056 op
RVK-Notation:EC 5194   i
 EC 6657   i
 EC 5196   i
 HU 1800   i
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

88 A 7978QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planentliehen bis 07.10.2024 (gesamte Vormerkungen: 0)
Mediennummer: 03511458

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