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Signatur: UBN/YR 1600 H174(6)   QR-Code
Standort: Zweigstelle Neuenheim / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
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Verfasst von:Hall, Eric J.   i
 Giaccia, Amato J.   i
Titel:Radiobiology for the radiologist
Verf.angabe:Eric J. Hall; Amato J. Giaccia
Ausgabe:6. ed.
Verlagsort:Philadelphia, Pa. ; London
Verlag:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Umfang:IX, 546 S.
Illustrationen:Ill., graph. Darst.
Fussnoten:Physics and chemistry of radiation absorption -- DNA strand breaks and chromosomal aberrations -- Cell survival curves -- Radiosensitivity and cell age in the mitotic cycle -- Repair of radiation damage and the dose-rate effect -- Oxygen effect and reoxygenation -- Linear energy transfer and relative biologic effectiveness -- Acute effects of total-body irradiation -- Radioprotectors -- Radiation carcinogenesis -- Hereditary effects of radiation -- Effects of radiation on the embryo and fetus -- Radiation cataractogenesis -- Doses and risks in diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology and cardiology, and nuclear medicine -- Radiation protection -- Molecular techniques in radiobiology -- Cancer biology -- Dose-response relationships for model normal tissues -- Clinical response of normal tissues -- Model tumor systems -- Cell, tissue, and tumor kinetics -- Time, dose, and fractionation in radiotherapy -- Predictive assays -- Alternative radiation modalities -- Radiosensitizers and bioreductive drugs -- Gene therapy -- Chemotherapeutic agents from the perspective of the radiation biologist -- Hyperthermia ; Includes bibliographical references and index ; Formerly CIP
Schlagwörter:(s)Strahlenbiologie   i
 (s)Strahlenbiologie   i
Sonstige Nr.:Identnummer: 2005031128
RVK-Notation:WD 2500   i
 YR 1600   i

UBN/YR 1600 H174(6)QR-CodeZweigstelle Neuenheim / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planentliehen bis 07.02.2025 (gesamte Vormerkungen: 0)
Mediennummer: 10287504
R 2 bQR-CodeMed. Fakultät Mannheim / StrahlenKlinikum MA Bestellen/Vormerken für Benutzer des Klinikums Mannheim
Eigene Kennung erforderlich
Mediennummer: 59046873, Inventarnummer: m/0900234

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