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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Signatur: GN397.5.A665 2016   QR-Code
Standort: CATS / Abt. Ostasien: Monograph.
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:Applied anthropology
Titelzusatz:unexpected spaces, topics, and methods
Mitwirkende:Nahm, Sheena [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Hughes Rinker, Cortney [HerausgeberIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Sheena Nahm and Cortney Hughes Rinker
Verlagsort:London ; New York
Verlag:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Umfang:VIII, 180 Seiten
Ang. zum Inhalt:Introduction : what is unexpected anthropology? / Sheena Nahm and Cortney Hughes RinkerOtherworldly anthropology : past, present, and future contributions of ethnographers to space exploration / Jo Aiken
 Remembering and re-membering : lived experience of military service members in rehabilitation / Deborah A. Murphy
 Navigating the boundaries of an anthropological education in a non-profit world / Chelsey Dyer
 The FAIR money collective / Michael Scroggins
 On embedded action anthropology and how one thing leads to another by chance / Jonathan L. Zilberg
 Faculty development as applied educational anthropology / Lauren Miller Griffith
 Islam and dying in the United States : how anthropology contributes to culturally competent care at the end-of-life / Cortney Hughes Rinker
 Time and the method of the unexpected / Sheena Nahm
 Ethnographic explorations of intellectual property claims to yoga : a series of unexpected events / Allison E. Fish
 Surviving academia 2.0 : lessons learned from practicing hybrid anthropology / Sheena Nahm and Cortney Hughes Rinker
 Conclusion : the unexpected and the future of anthropology / Susan Trencher.
Abstract:Introduction : what is unexpected anthropology? / Sheena Nahm and Cortney Hughes Rinker -- Otherworldly anthropology : past, present, and future contributions of ethnographers to space exploration / Jo Aiken -- Remembering and re-membering : lived experience of military service members in rehabilitation / Deborah A. Murphy -- Navigating the boundaries of an anthropological education in a non-profit world / Chelsey Dyer -- The FAIR money collective / Michael Scroggins -- On embedded action anthropology and how one thing leads to another by chance / Jonathan L. Zilberg -- Faculty development as applied educational anthropology / Lauren Miller Griffith -- Islam and dying in the United States : how anthropology contributes to culturally competent care at the end-of-life / Cortney Hughes Rinker -- Time and the method of the unexpected / Sheena Nahm -- Ethnographic explorations of intellectual property claims to yoga : a series of unexpected events / Allison E. Fish -- Surviving academia 2.0 : lessons learned from practicing hybrid anthropology / Sheena Nahm and Cortney Hughes Rinker -- Conclusion : the unexpected and the future of anthropology / Susan Trencher
Schlagwörter:(s)Ethnologie   i
RVK-Notation:LB 32000   i
 LB 36000   i

GN397.5.A665 2016QR-CodeCATS / Abt. Ostasien: Monograph.entliehen bis 24.02.2025 (gesamte Vormerkungen: 0)
Mediennummer: 42964320, Inventarnummer: JC-1600032

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