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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Standort: ---
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Verfasst von:Ablan, Dan [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:LightWave 7.5 advanced courseware
Verf.angabe:by Dan Ablan.
Verlagsort:[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]
Verlag:Peachpit Press
Umfang:1 streaming video file (23 hrs., 26 min., 42 sec.)
Illustrationen:digital, sd., col.
Fussnoten:Title from resource description page (viewed Apr. 1, 2011)
Abstract:"The 3D GARAGE LightWave 7.5 Advanced Course will take you on an extended learning journey, and from project to project, one step at a time. With 24 hours of video training included, these projects help you understand the key tools in LightWave, such as organic modeling, splines, UV Mapping, complex texturing, keyframing and much more--all of which is crucial to any project you tackle in LightWave."--Resource description page.
Sach-SW:LightWave 3D
 Computer animation
 Computer graphics
 Electronic videos ; local
Lokale URL UB: Zum Volltext
 Bibliothek der Medizinischen Fakultät Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg
 Klinikum MA Bestellen/Vormerken für Benutzer des Klinikums Mannheim
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Bibliothek/Idn:UW / m3611096067
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