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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Standort: CATS / Abt. Südasien: Freihandb
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Mehrtlg. Werk:SKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi (Jatakanidāna)
Abtlg. des mehrtlg. Werks:Vol. 2
Band:Vol. 2
Titel:Prologue to the birth stories
Mitwirkende:Gaffney, Séan [ÜbersetzerIn]   i
Verlagsort:Oxford, North Canterbury
Verlag:Indica et Buddhica
Umfang:lxxii, 269 Seiten
Format:29 cm
Fussnoten:"The translation provides a guide to the contents of the Tibetan text, while also indicating in the footnotes any differences in phrasing, ordering and wording, from that of the Pāli text"--Page xxvi ; Includes bibliographical references
Schrift/Sprache:Primarily in English, with footnotes in English, Tibetan and Pāli
Abstract:"The English translation of the Tibetan critical edition gives a complete translation of the text. This translation is intended to complement the work of the critical edition by indicating in the critical apparatus those parts of the text that vary from the Pāli original. A most important aspect of the translation is that it provides us with a complete picture of the text as it was transmitted in the 13th century from Pāli into Tibetan. It has therefore significant philological importance for the study of the Tibetan translation and transmission process as found in the later period of the spread of Buddhism to Tibet. The translation also provides annotations to the text that show in detail any discrepancies or irregularities that were found between the phrasing of the Tibetan and Pāli texts. Much information is included here that was not justified in the critical edition but which has relevance for the translation. Also included in the annotations are both the Tibetan and Pāli forms of the proper names of persons, places and trees, that occur in the text"--Publisher information
Sprache:eng tib
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: SKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi Jātakanidāna
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

rel 52 F 118/3884::2QR-CodeCATS / Abt. Südasien: Freihandbereichbestellbar
Mediennummer: 45293738

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