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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Bibliographieeintrag
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Verfasst von:Borowski, Martin [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Gustav Radbruch's critique of legal positivism
Verf.angabe:Martin Borowski
Jahr:21 January 2021
Umfang:24 S.
Fussnoten:Gesehen am 01.12.2021
Titel Quelle:Enthalten in: The Cambridge companion to legal positivism
Ort Quelle:Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2021
Jahr Quelle:2021
Band/Heft Quelle:(2021), Seite 627-650
ISBN Quelle:978-1-108-63637-7
Abstract:Borowski argues that Radbruch’s very important criticism against legal positivism is to be found not in his writings on legal positivism but in his own legal philosophy, especially the so-called Radbruch formula; that the Radbruch formula entails a rejection of the separation thesis on both the level of the criteria for the identification of valid legal norms and the level of the nature of law; and that Radbruch’s explicit claim that legal positivism was to blame for the situation in Germany is unconvincing because the Nazis did not, as a matter of fact, hold that law is law and should be applied according to its plain meaning in all circumstances, but were actually willing to apply a statute contrary to its wording if this suited their purposes.
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Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Druck-Ausgabe: Borowski, Martin, 1966 - : Gustav Radbruch's critique of legal positivism. - 2021
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