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Titel:The Cambridge companion to Hegel
Mitwirkende:Beiser, Frederick C. [Hrsg.]   i
 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich   i
Verf.angabe:ed. by Frederick C. Beiser
Ausgabe:1st publ.
Verlagsort:Cambridge [u. a.]
Verlag:Cambridge Univ. Press
Umfang:VIII, 518 S.
Format:24 cm
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Cambridge companions to philosophy series
Fussnoten:Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke ; Includes bibliographical references (p. 487-510) and index
Ang. zum Inhalt:Transformations of Hegelianism, 1805-1846 / John Toews
 Introduction : Hegel and the problem of metaphysics / Frederick C. Beiser
 Hegel and Marxism / Allen Wood
 Hegel and analytic philosophy / Peter Hylton.
 Hegel's intellectual development to 1807 / H.S. Harris
 You can't get there from here : transition problems in Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Robert Pippin
 Hegel's conception of logic / John Burbidge
 Hegel's idealism : the logic of conceptuality / Thomas E. Wartenberg
 Hegel's dialectical method / Michael Forster
 Thought and being : Hegel's critique of Kant's theoretical philosophy / Paul Guyer
 Hegel's ethics / Allen Wood
 The basic context and structure of Hegel's Philosophy of right / Kenneth Westphal
 Hegel's historicism / Frederick C. Beiser
 Hegel on religion and philosophy / Laurence Dickey
 Hegel's aesthetics : an overview / Robert Wicks.
Schlagwörter:(p)Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich   i
Reproduktion:Online-Ausg. u.d.T.: The Cambridge companion to Hegel. - Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge University Press, 1993. - Online-Ressource
Sonstige Nr.:Identnummer: 92015572
RVK-Notation:CG 4077   i
Sonst. Schlagwort:(p)Hegel, Georg W. / Aufsatzsammlung ; (p)Hegel, Georg W. / Einführung

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