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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Titel:Annual report of the Board of Health of the Department of Health of the City of New York
Körperschaft:New York, NY / Board of Health [VerfasserIn]   i
Erschienen:1.1870/71(1871) - 1910/11(1912)
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Verlagsort:New York, NY
 New York, NY
 New York Printing
Angaben zum Titel:Hauptsacht. anfangs: Annual report of the Board of Health of the Health Department of the City of New York
Spätere Ausg.:Forts.: New York, NY. Department of Health: Annual report of the Department of Health of the City of New York. - New York, NY : Brown, 1914
Erscheinungsweise:Teils mit Jg.-Zählung
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Universitätsbibliothek1905(1906) P 8978-8