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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Disk Speichern
  author={Ganguly, Sanjoy},
  editor={Yarrow, Ralph},
  title={From Boal to Jana Sanskriti},
  subtitle={practice and principles},
  publisher={Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group},
  address={London ; New York},
  pages={xvii, 152 Seiten},
  isbn={978-1-138-22332-5 and 1-138-22332-8},
  series={Routledge Focus},
  note={Includes bibliographical references and index},
  keywords={West Bengal / Politisches Theater ; Jana Sanskriti Centre for Theatre of the Oppressed},
  library={SA [Signatur: 278 kul 2015/4516]},

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