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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Disk Speichern
  author={Isager, Signe and Hansen, Mogens Herman},
  title={Aspects of Athenian society in the fourth century B. C.},
  subtitle={a historical introduction to and commentary on the paragraphe-speeches and the speech against Dionysodorus in the corpus Demosthenicum (XXXII- XXXVIII and LVI). Transl. by Judith H. Rosenmeier},
  publisher={Univ. Press},
  pages={270 S.},
  isbn={87-7492-129-0 and 978-87-7492-129-5},
  series={Odense University classical studies},
  keywords={Athen / Sozialgeschichte 400-300 v. Chr. ; Athen / Wirtschaft / Geschichte 400 v. Chr.-300 v. Chr. ; Athen / Recht / Geschichte 400 v. Chr.-300 v. Chr. ; Demosthenes},
  library={UB [Signatur: 75 B 2354] ; AG [Signatur: V/D 40/465] ; KP [Signatur: <KP> Cd 26/535]},

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